Без сензора, какав би био свет


Када је у питањусензори, људи обично чују више, а мање виде. У ствари, са све већим развојем сензорске технологије, сценарији њене примене продрли су у војску, енергетику, роботику, аутоматско управљање, заштиту животне средине, транспорт, медицину и хемију, кућанске апарате и технологије даљинског очитавања.

1. Применасензориу ваздухопловном пољу

In addition to the use of сензори to measure speed, acceleration, and flight distance, the spacecraft's flight direction, flight attitude, flight environment, the status of the aircraft itself, and the monitoring of internal equipment must also be detected by сензори, as well as the internal environment of the spacecraft (such as Humidity, temperature, air composition, etc.) must be detected by сензори.
Поред тога, технологија даљинског очитавања користи се за откривање предмета и њихових стања у великим размерама на великим удаљеностима од авиона, вештачких сателита, свемирских летелица и бродова.
2. Application of сензори in robots

In places with high labor intensity or dangerous operations and some high-speed, high-precision jobs, robots have gradually been used to replace human jobs. But to make the functions of robots and humans closer, it is necessary to install visual сензори and tactile сензори on the robots, so that the robots can recognize and detect objects through vision, and produce pressure, force, sliding feeling and weight on objects through touch feeling.
3. Application of сензори in industrial automatic control systems

Сензори су примарна карика аутоматске детекције и аутоматске контроле. Ако не постоји сензор за тачно и поуздано мерење изворних информација (сигнала или параметара), немогуће је постићи аутоматизацију од издвајања, претварања, обраде сигнала до производње или контроле. Може се видети да је сензор неопходан у систему аутоматског управљања.
4. Применасензориу заштити животне средине

Global air pollution, water pollution and noise have severely damaged the ecological balance of the earth and the environment on which we depend. In order to protect the environment, various environmental monitoring instruments made of сензори are playing an active role. Such as the use of biological сензори to monitor water quality, the detection of the amount of sewage in the sewage monitoring system, the identification of sewage components, etc., all use сензори to monitor.
5. Применасензориу медицини

Sensors can be usedу медицини to perform difficult diagnosis on the surface and internal temperature of the human body, blood pressure, intracavity pressure, blood and respiratory flow, tumor, blood analysis, pulse and heart sounds, and heart and brain waves. It plays a role in a wide range of early diagnosis, early treatment, remote diagnosis and the development of artificial organs.
6. Применасензориу превозу

Sensors are also widely usedу превозу. Sensors are used in vehicle transportation to detect the number of axles, wheelbase, vehicle speed monitoring, vehicle classification, dynamic weighing, toll station scales, red light shooting, parking area monitoring, and traffic information collection (road monitoring) ) And airport taxiways. In vehicles, it is not only limited to the monitoring of driving speed, driving distance and engine rotation speed, but also used for safety monitoring, such as car airbag systems, anti-theft devices, anti-skid control systems, anti-lock braking devices, electronic transmission control devices, Exhaust gas circulation devices, electronic fuel injection devices, and automobile "black boxes" have all been put into practical use.
7. Применасензориу свакодневном животу

Sensors can be seen everywhere in our daily lives. For example, сензори are used in household appliances: temperature сензори in refrigerators and rice cookers, temperature and humidity сензори in air conditioners, liquid level сензори in washing machines, and gas leak сензори in gas stoves. , Water meters, electricity meters, infrared remote controls in TVs and DVD players, light сензори in cameras, fuel gauges and speedometers in cars, etc.